Monday, October 15, 2007

e-Rx Magic and Weekend Refills

Somewhere, somehow I knew that e-prescribing would be the bain of our existance. Sure, the rxs that come over to our system as "see long drug name" were obviously not hassle enough, that there needed to be a special attachment just to say "Acetazolamide 250mg." But now, it seems, there is no need to wait 'til Monday to get ahold of your doctor. More than a handful of times this weekend I had e-Rxs pop up in my queue , but here's the kicker: the majority of them were for refills of patients' medications, not weekend-worthy antibiotics for kids or special medications for the terminally ill. One that sticks out in my mind was for Flonase, that I received this Sunday. Gone are the days where doctors could leave their work at home. It seems to have followed them out of the office and home for the weekend. But Flonase...on a Sunday? In October no less. Not to mention the patient's previous fill of this hadn't been since March. Gone are the days of "I'm sorry, you'll have to wait until Monday." Gone are those sweet, sweet quiet weekends. I've got things for Lipitor and HCTZ refills on my e-Rx queue on a Saturday night.
Although, sometimes this makes me secretly happy. Anyone who works from 9am-2pm three days a week, with a 2-hour lunch break in between deserves to have that Flonase refill for Mrs. X pop up on their computer on a Sunday morning.
I'm going to go pray now, in hopes that there will never, EVER be refills popping up on my home computer to remote-refill Mr. Y's Viagra on a Sunday morning while I'm checking the news. The second work follows me home and bothers me on my computer, I vow to destroy all technology.

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