Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Do as I say and you live...

Perhaps one of the most underrated awesomely bad movies of all time, Snakes on a Plane did have its moments. Sometimes being at work is just like fighting snakes...sneaky snakes...

At any rate, I think much of my frustration stems from patients (/customers/i didn't pay that much attention in pharmacy ethics and communication) is the fact that they don't listen. I'm sure they hear me. Most of them appear to acknowledge my generous wealth of knowlegde as it pours out of my mouth in a futile attempt to better your life. I mean, if you don't want to hear my answer, please just don't bother to ask. It's a waste of my time and yours. If you ask me a question, and reply with something like "yeah but my neighbor/cribbage partner/garbage man told me such-n-such would work better" then you obviously didn't want to her my fucking opinion anyway. so go ahead and put that sweet oil that you want to pay $5 in your ear...maybe you should have listened when I say "its just olive oil" and you probably A) already have it in your house or B) should maybe find out WHY your ear hurts in the first place.
When I have to explain why things are the way they are 3+ times, I start to get a little aggravated. I know you hear me, but you have to learn to quiet the voice in your head screaming "OF COURSE I KNOW MORE THAN THIS MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL MY GREAT AUNT IS A RETIRED NURSE" while i'm talking to you.
Sometimes I have important tidbits of information for you that may mean the difference between a healthy drug regimen or blowing out your internal organs. When I explain that you shouldn't be hitting the sauce while you're on Coumadin, don't ask "are you sure?" because then I am tempted to say "well go ahead, I hope you'll be alive to tell me how that went..."
When you show me a cut/scrape/puncture wound/something impaled in your hand and ask "what should I do?" and I tell you to seek medical attention immediately, don't whine and ask me if there's just some (i can only assume magical) cream you can put on it. I know that you know that you should see a doctor; I also know that you think you can get some free medical advice and a [cheap] cure-all from your local friendly pharmacy, and I also know that if I don't tell you what you want to hear, you will throw caution to the wind and let your extremity fester until amputation.
And I'll be honest. Sometimes I give in. You'll do what you want anyway. So I'll send you on your merry way with a tube of Neosporin.

But don't say I didn't warn you. Shut your damn yap and listen. When you OD on Lortab (better known as Loritabs) or get pregnant while on Amoxicillin I'll be the one giving you a nice smile-n-wave next time you're in the drugstore.
Maybe you can name the baby after me.

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